What is the distinction between BEING happy and HAVING fun? What sets them apart from each other?
Happiness and Fun are what we all desire. That’s one of our goals. But how can we truly be happy and fun?
Truth be told, not all people that are having fun are happy and sometimes having fun won’t make you happy. Although fun and happiness are often considered to be interchangeable, there is a difference.
When you say “FUN”, it is something or someone that provides you enjoyment or amusement. You’re having fun because of the enjoyment that you feel specifically. It’s an activity or situation that you enjoy. It is the feeling of being entertained. Sometimes, you have to have fun with other people.
However when you say “HAPPINESS”, It is a positive state of emotion or a sense of well-being. Happiness comes over to you when you feel that joy and contentment. It comes when you are satisfied and fulfilled regardless of the state, situation, how big or small your achievement is. Happiness is a pleasant emotion that many wants.
You can have all the material things in life, you can have all the fun, you can have all the money, the fame, the success but the question is… Are you happy?
“I am a human being, not a human doing. Don’t equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren’t what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don’t, you aren’t.” - Wayne Dyer
The distinction between Being Happy and Having fun is that we are human beings and not a human doing. I used to think that we’re human doing that we are a checklist of things to do and that we are valued based on what we do and that way of life was exhausting because no matter how many things you check off your list, there’s always more, more, more and more things to do that makes me feel like I am never enough because I never really completed my to-do lists.
You can’t get it wrong because you never get it done.” - Abraham Hicks
So, if you have a things-to-do list and that’s your value of things to achieve in life then you’re never going to be satisfied ‘cause there’s always more things to do and that is what the ego does “Okay I’ll be happy for 5 minutes...now what?”
We are so engrossed in the things we do every day that we forget to be human sometimes. We forget that it is okay to not complete all the checklists that we forget to live in the present.
BUT! If you focus on your beingness, “How do I want to be today?” When we were hanging out with wonderful friends and family, we weren’t doing anything, we weren't achieving major accomplishments, we weren’t checking anything off of our checklists but we are being connected. We were being present, loving, and supportive.
The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves. –Alan Watts
If you want to focus on your beingness, not your doingness then you get to focus on how you want to be. A lot of people write a gratitude list. I also write a beingness list. How do I want to BE today? How do I want to BE in the world? And it is amazing because you can actually manifest and create more from how you’re being than how you’re doing.
Your intention is more powerful than what you actually do.
Let me leave this question for you to ponder on:
How do you want to be today vs. what you want to do?”