Love is space…
Even if you are in any type of relationship, it is great to have your own space sometimes.
It does not mean disregarding your person but having the time to reflect on yourself. Enjoying the solitude. The me-time. That self-love.
Although we often tend to use loneliness and solitude interchangeably, there is a huge difference between the two.
Being lonely is a negative state for one to be in as you are in a state of isolation.You’ll feel all kinds of negative emotion. The feeling of self-pity.
There is a song that goes “Modern loneliness, never alone but always depressed”
However, solitude is a positive feeling and a state of being alone without being lonely.
Solitude is a beautiful thing. There is nothing wrong with being alone, just to process life, think deeply about yourself, enjoy the calmness it provides whether you are out on a vacation, hiking, etc. Solitude is being at peace with yourself and having solitude can provide clarity in your mind.
If you are a creative person, it is nice to give space to your thoughts and to process things in order for your creativity to flow. Sometimes people do not give themselves enough space that is why there is a block on the creativity that hinders them from delivering their passion.
We’re only human, it is normal for us to feel loneliness but I would like to challenge you to turn that negative energy into a positive one. Turn your loneliness into solitude.
If you say that you’re alone by choice is a lot more empowering of yourself vs. self pity, self doubt, expressing your pain of being alone and thinking that the world is against you just because things do not go your way.
So think about how you can empower yourself to go from loneliness to solitude.
Lonely is coming from fear.
Solitude is empowering.
Are you feeling lonely or enjoying your solitude?