We are taught in this culture to work hard, play hard.
People have the Monday Blues, Wednesday is Hump Day, Thank God It's Friday, and then we play on the weekend, only to do it all over again.
I used to think that exhaustion and sleep deprivation meant that I was fulfilling my potential. I felt guilty if I had too much fun during the week!
I had an endless list of Things to Do! When I checked something off my list, there were 10 more items to replace it.
Now, I don't want to be a human DOING, I want to be a human BEING. I take breaks for self-care.
I make sure I eat healthy, work out, get massages, mani/pedis, acupuncture, romantic dates, dog walks and most importantly SLEEP!
Getting rest and rejuvenation is so important to our well being.
Rest has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, and lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.
Yoga and meditation can have even more impact on rejuvenating the body, than sleep.
Yoga Nidra is a specific type of yoga that combines yoga and guided mediation.In fact, the term Yoga Nidra means yogic or psychic sleep.
It is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, induced by a guided meditation.
This week's guest on "The Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant Show" Tracee Stanley has written a book called "Radiant Rest."
Tracee Stanley is a prominent teacher of meditation who specializes in yoga nidra - the practice of conscious sleep. Tracee weaves this spiritual practice of transformative rest into her offerings as an empowerment coach, speaker, and author.
To listen to her interview, click here...