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March 25, 2021
When someone ask you, "How are you?"

What do you say?

I used to say "OK, I guess." or "Fine."

But that was before I understood the power of words!

Now I realize that words are the advertisement that I am sending out to the Universe.

People are so careful with what they put into their mouths, there are so many different diets, and people even count the macro grams in their food.

But when, it comes to speaking, they let anything fly out of their mouth.

If you are as deliberate with what you say as what you eat, you will be amazed by the change in your results.

The sad thing is that many people bond by complaining together. As the saying goes, misery loves comapany!

When you start communicating in a more positive way, some friends might not want to talk to you. Because your positivity makes them more aware of how depressed they are.

I choose to remain upbeat, even if it annoys people. I am ok with negative people walking out of my life.

I am not willing to dim my light for ANYONE!

So when someone asks me how I am, I say, "Great!"

You can call it toxic positivity, but it works for me! I started living my dream life, when I made the conscious decision to focus on the positive.

This week's guest on the Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant podcast, author, coach and executive Stacy Hines teachings are also based on the power of intention and how to change your focus to get amazing results.

Stacy describes how she overcame cancer, mental illness, and divorce all while raising three young children. We also discussed...
  • How to go from getting by to feeling the joy of life.
  • What does it mean to lead with INTENTION?
  • What does CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP look like?
  • How to operate in your ZONE OF GENIUS

To listen to Stacy's interview click here…