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Learn how to get all 7 PILLARS OF ABUNDANCE to a level 10, so you can have the practical skills and tools to live the life you have always wanted...and almost gave up on!

February 9, 2021


Are you tired of feeling like you are NOT ENOUGH?

Do you look at your life and think that SOMETHING IS WRONG?

Do you feel like you will always be ALONE?

Have you given up on GETTING IN SHAPE?

Do you HATE YOUR JOB, but have no idea else you can do?

I was just like you! When I grew up, I was taught that it is more important to LOOK good, than to FEEL good. Even though I was successful on the outside, I felt empty on the inside. I was doing everything that my parents and society told me to do. I got good grades, I was a nationally ranked tennis player and I graduated from Princeton University with honors. After college, I was making six figures in sales. I had a beautiful wardrobe and a brand-new car, but I still felt that I was missing out on something.

I decided that I would find the life I wanted in Los Angeles. I took this paradigm of looking good to the most competitive arena, Hollywood. I am moved to LA to fulfil my childhood dream of being an actress. I reasoned that if people put me in their TV shows and movies, then I must be OK. But what happened in LA, was not what I expected. For the first time in life, I failed. I was not able to make a living as an actress. I had a lot of free time to work on myself.

I also had a lot of time for dating and exercising. I thought if I had the perfect body, I would attract my perfect mate. Although, I did get in great shape, my love life was rather lackluster. I had several boyfriends, but no one I wanted to spend my life with. Most of these relationships ended bitterly and I kept wondering what was wrong with me? Why can some women have a husband and children and I couldn’t even keep a boyfriend? I went on a quest to find out…

After studying with the best relationship gurus, spiritual teachers, taking personal growth seminars and doing therapy, I realized the reason I wanted to be an actress, be financially successful or be married, was to feel happy. I used what I learned in the seminars to manipulate a man to marry me, who was totally inappropriate for me. I married him because I wanted social approval by being married. We looked great on social media, but it was an unhealthy relationship.

After spending time in a couples counseling therapy session with my ex-husband, I had a huge epiphany. When the therapy asked me if I wanted to stay married, I calmly replied that I wanted a life of EASE, GRACE, and SPIRITUAL DIGNITY! Whatever that looked like, I was willing to live it. Soon after that, I filed for divorce and my father died. My father’s funeral and my divorce happened within days of each other.

A Balanced Life Help Me Overcome The Traumatic Events

Although these two traumatic events happened, I was relatively happy and high functioning. I realized that the reason my life was working, despite these debilitating events, was that I was living a balanced life. I looked at my life and I realized I had 7 areas in alignment. I call these key areas, the 7 Pillars of Abundance. They are:

  1. Spirituality
  2. Fitness
  3. Emotions
  4. Romance
  5. Mental
  6. Social
  7. Financial

In my Elegant Warrior Training Program, we are going to spend 7 weeks together looking at your life. What areas are working? What areas do you need support in? I have tips, tools, strategies and practical applications that will shift your life immediately. Each week, we will work on one area, for 7 weeks.

What you will walk away with:

  1. A morning practice to keep you spiritually centered and connected to a power greater than yourself.
  2. A fitness plan that makes exercise fun and that will help you achieve your best body ever.
  3. Strategies to stay calm and grounded so you aren’t triggered by people.
  4. The ability to lovingly set boundaries around your time, body and finances.
  5. A way of being that will magnetize people and opportunities.
  6. Learning how to create intimacy and partnership in your romantic life.
  7. How to stay mentally expansive, so you continue to evolve into your best self.
  8. How to find your tribe of women that uplift and support your goals and dreams.
  9. How to manage your time so you don’t feel overwhelmed and pulled in too many directions.
  10. How to put yourself first so you can live a life of resilience, grit and grace.
  11. How to stop being a people pleaser, so you can be your authentic self.
  12. 21 Affirmations customized to get all seven areas to a LEVEL 10.




"Thank you! I can't tell you how much I loved the first group session. You are a great coach. I have never had a life coach and had been praying for one. Your coaching is better than I had expected. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" - Susan

I love Rebecca! Her workshop was engaging, educational, reflective and fun! What stands out is that she teaches and coaches with clear analogies and examples. I liked how we were encouraged to discuss and share ideas with others in the workshop. Her coaching is truly valuable to anyone who wants to maximize their income and live their best life.-Lisa

Rebecca has been amazing! Sessions with her have changed my life both professionally and personally. I finally developed a daily meditation practice and have been hitting career benchmarks I never thought possible! She genuinely cared about me and my well-being. Her knowledge, compassion, and advice were all crucial stepping stones that have allowed me to find success in my life. If I could give more than 5 stars, I would!

-Tiffany S.

Starting your year off with the ELEGANT WARRIOR TRAINING program will be a GAME CHANGER. You will create momentum that will carry you through the New Year and beyond. Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. Deep down you know you are made for more…



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DISCLAIMER: Any financial figures stated on this page and discussed in the Elegant Warrior Training Program are our personal financial figures and in some cases the financial figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All training programs entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE THE ELEGANT WARRIOR TRAINING PROGRAM.