Do you have a Mother Wound?
Do you feel the pressure that you need to be perfect?
Do you put everybody else’s needs before yours?
Are you more scared of failing because of what others may think about you?
Are you pressured to live your mother’s dreams instead of your’s?
Are you always complaining about your kids??
Do you need your Mother’s approval to make major life choices?
Do you have unrealistic expectations in relationships?
Are you relentlessly needy with others?
Are you guilt of NEVER ENOUGH-ISM
Are you co-dpendent?
According to epigenetics—The trauma endured by our ancestors affects our DNA
Mother wound is the generational pain inherited and passed down between grandmothers, mothers, and daughters.
It is something that affects our bodies, the way we think, the way we act and the way we interact with others without us knowing it.
It explains why sometimes we are so relentlessly needy with others because as children we may have wanted MORE from our family, especially from our Mothers.
Having unrealistic expectations in relationships root deep down as we were growing up and seeing that there is always something missing from what we see in our parents.
We tend to empathize with our Mothers and we end up expecting too much in our own relationships.
Making major life choices becomes hard for us to do on our own when we always seek our mother’s approval and from that we become dependent and we start to get scared of making our own decisions in life…
This leads us to fear rejection from society and the fear of failing because we always take into consideration what others may say or think of us, causing us to choose to do things in the opposite way of how we should be doing them. Not giving everything and not using our full potential will eventually lead to failing and when this happens, we dig our hole deeper and start to hide in it.
Listen HERE to learn How to Heal our Mother Wound: