Spiritual Biz Magazine Interviews Rebecca Whitman
An accomplished writer and transformational public speaker, Rebecca Whitman graduated with honors from Princeton University. She has been a record-setting, top producer in all commission sales, selling business to business and consumer goods and services over 25 years.
She has been studying metaphysics and on a spiritual path for 30 years and celebrates the launch of her first book. In addition, Rebecca is a SAG actress and appeared in numerous television shows, plays and films. Rebecca lives in Los Angeles with her Chocolate Labrador, Atticus.
Her new book, “How to Make a Six-figure Income Working Part-Time”, is about creating more fun and freedom in your life, by using simple tools and strategies. Rebecca has created a unique approach to abundance in how to benefit in seven key areas of y our life for immediate results.
This book addresses different areas of life-spirituality, health, social, emotional romance and finance to make sure you are living your best life. The time to make a change is now. And now is the only time there is.
KIMBERLY: Hello, Rebecca, and welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat! Let’s get right to it! What motivated you to write your book, “How to Make a Six-figure Income Working Part-Time”?
REBECCA: My father was on his deathbed and he asked me to write something. He said that I am naturally good at writing and that I need to express myself. He said that it could be an essay, a short story or an article for a magazine, but to please write. So I honored his wish by writing this book.
KIMBERLY: What is this book about?
REBECCA: The book is about creating an abundant, happy life in seven areas-spiritual, physical, emotional, romantic, mental, social and financial. To most people’s surprise, the money is the last component to fall into place. It’s easier to manifest abundance when you are happy and healthy. The book provides tools, systems, and strategies to make each area of your life the best it can be.
KIMBERLY: Why is this book different from other self-help books?
REBECCA: Most self-help books are either metaphysically focused or business focused. This book combines the classic principles of spirituality with business in an easily digestible format. This is a holistic view of life and financial abundance. Financial abundance is no different than manifesting abundance in the other seven areas. They all take a discipline and practice.
KIMBERLY: Who will benefit most from the book?
REBECCA: Business people who feel stuck. They are doing all the right things and they don’t understand why making money is difficult. Or people who want to escape the corporate grind but have no idea how.
On the other hand, its also great for those who have been studying spiritual principles for years, but haven’t yet manifested financial abundance. It will show them how to link their spiritual life to making money.
KIMBERLY: What did you learn from writing the book?
REBECCA: I learned that I don’t have to be perfect. I am a recovering perfectionist. Nothing is ever good enough. If I spent more time revising the book, we wouldn’t be having this interview. I would still be working on it. I realize it’s my first book. I don’t have to make it perfect, I just have to publish it and get it out into the world.
KIMBERLY: So what would you say to those who doubt it isn’t possible to make a six-figure income working part-time?
REBECCA: Yes, it is possible, if you have the right vehicle. If you are working in a 9-5 job for a salary or an hourly wage than you won’t be able to because your income is capped. But if you are in your own business or all commission sales, then you can certainly do it. I have been doing it for the last twelve years.
KIMBERLY: How can our readers get your book?
REBECCA: You can get the book on Amazon in paperback, audio or Kindle form.
KIMBERLY: And how can people keep in touch with you?
REBECCA: You can subscribe to my newsletter on rebeccaelizabethwhitman.com, and you can find me on social media. My Instagram handle is rebwhitman. On Linked In and Facebook, I am Rebecca Whitman. I would love to keep in touch!
KIMBERLY: What does spirituality have to do with making money?
REBECCA: Spirituality has a lot to do with making money. When you are connected to Source and going with the flow of the Universe, you will magnetize money. If you are negative and full of fear, you will repel money. The happier and more in alignment with you are with the dynamic good of life, the easier it is to attract money. People, places and circumstances will coincide in a way that makes money flow into your life. Getting into this mental state, requires prayer, meditation and a spiritual practice.
KIMBERLY: How can someone transition out of their 9-5 job?
REBECCA: You need to find a side hustle. You can find a franchise, a network marketing company or a home based business that you can do when you are not at your regular job. Find something you believe in! Whether it’s a product or a service, so you will be enlivened and excited to pursue it! So many of the biggest companies today were started out of people’s garages!
KIMBERLY: What do you mean by “Happy is the new rich!”?
REBECCA: How many unhappy rich people do you know? In recent months we have had two major celebrities, Kate Spade and Anthony Bordain, take their lives. Many movies stars and rock stars have either taken their lives or overdosed. They seemingly had it all. Money, power, and fame did not make them happy. If you are happy, you can read books like this and learn how to manifest money. Happiness is the foundation for a whole and complete life.
KIMBERLY: Why have you been successful in so many different sales jobs?
REBECCA: I have been successful because I have learned how to connect to people. If people like you and trust you they will buy from you. It doesn’t matter what you are selling. They are buying YOU!
KIMBERLY: How can people manage stress while reaching for their financial goals?
REBECCA: Exercise is the best way to manage stress. Move a muscle, change a thought. People take psychoactive drugs to alter their brain chemistry to make them happy and less stressed. You can get the same effect naturally through exercise. Exercise increases the dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in your brain without the side effects of drugs. I always advise talking to your physician. Don’t drop your prescription if you have a serious condition. But for me, a combination of exercise, spending time in nature and meditation work wonders.