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Passion to Profit

How to Go from Passion into Profit with Ron Robinson

July 16, 2021

Celebrate what you have, don’t compare yourself to other people. Be grateful.

A lot of us tend to compare ourselves too much. We just need to focus and make sure that we are feeling good with ourselves. 

Incorporate discipline and time for fitness in life.

With age, stress takes a toll in our lives. In order for us to keep up with challenges and everything that is going on in our daily lives, we need our body to be in shape. Not only in our physical form, our mind needs to be nurtured and working healthy as well. 

There’s a clear connection between your physical health and your mental health. Try to make it a goal to keep both in balance and healthy as possible in order for you to overcome the challenges that you may have. 

Depending on your fitness regime, make some time in your day to do your routine. It doesn’t have to be a full-time work-out. 

Starting a business on your own

Being an entrepreneur is a tough road. If you feel that you have the drive to solve a problem that is in the marketplace and believe that you can give all that it takes to solve that problem and build that dream of yours,do it but take caution as it is a lot. 

Make sure you have an idea about the business that you will build, test out your products and get honest feedback but most of all be passionate about your product. 

Be a product of the product first. You have to sell you before you can sell to anybody else


In starting a business, you have to be prepared for the costs. You cannot start something without foundation. 

Take caution if you’re just starting your business, in order for you to not waste the funds that you have invested in creating your project. 

Plan everything that you have to do beforehand before you launch your brand. Create a list that you can mark off. 

It is highly recommended to test your product first, make sure that you have buy-in and make sure that you have a strong opportunity and concept that could be the basis for a strong business. 

If you’re an entrepreneur and you find a good product, good service, good concept that is proven, scientifically tested that you believe in, that other people love and if you have the savings, the time to invest, go for it! 

Your dreams do not have an expiration date

Get motivation in starting your own biz!